Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Good things came out of the volcano

Not everything that happened due to the Volcano Elyja ... ja ... kull was bad. Indeed, the air industry lost a few hundred million dollars, but nothing that can make the EU shake on its foundations. Actually, the level of stranded tourism increase tremendously.

But I believe I got the best part of mother's nature wrath. A pleaseant surprised was reserved to me and my family as Michelle Weirathmueller came to Delft to see us. Michelle is a former UNB student in Geomatics Engineering. She currently resides in sunny California. The company she works for sent her to do some work in France where she became stranded. She ended up finding some time to visit us in Delft. It was really great.


  1. Hey Marcelo, who's that young man in front of you? Is that your younger brother? By the way, I can't seem to find Thales in any of your pics... :D

  2. marcelo. Vendo o Thales a seu lado, me lembrei do meu filho caçula que tambem ficou magro e comprido na adolescencia....ele tem a quem puxar....
